New Build

COARSE fabrication Build #3

Low pro geometry, but still super comfortable for street mashing. Come take it for a spin while it's on display at Velo Brooklyn, and if you like it make an offer. We can also use it for a platform to discuss the geometry and component changes you'd like to have in your own custom build. I tweaked the bb drop and seat angle to ensure no toe overlap even with the super steep 74.5 degree head tube angle, 38mm track rake fork, and 170mm cranks. After the hours of contemplation, setup, inhaling flux fumes, obsessive filing/sanding and finally piecing this build together late night after being locked out of my apartment, all done...and well worth every minute spent. Actually getting on a bike you designed and built and taking the first few pedal strokes is an incredible feeling. Like a caveman discovering fire. Cyclist self sufficiency fully realized.
Definetly plans to make this a stock COARSE model, with custom options available.

Warmth is a comin' aka fuck the winter

Thank god that spring has finally settled upon NYC. Good news for all that love the sunshine, warmth and relative happiness that comes along with season change,this of course especially pertaining to cyclists. After busting my ass working as a messenger this winter, by the start of march i was feeling quite a bit of bitterness towards my velocipedes, and to cycling in general. Anyone who has worked as a courier in NYC in the winter can attest to this i'm sure.
Of course that feeling has passed just as it always does, and with my seasonal employment change back to full time co operator of Velo Brooklyn; riding, working on and building bicycles feels just as good as ever. The last month has seen business at the shop pick back up to the normal in season pace, spurred by the The change in weather along with healthy growth and expansion through the addition of new product lines and a revamping of the shop space. the new COARSE facilities, which is now conveniently located in the basement of Velo Brooklyn/Bushwick Bike Shop has also been slowly coming into it's own